Download Day 2008 – ...
Download Day 2008 – Help Firefox To Set A Guinness World Record
Help Firefox to set a new world record for most software downloads in 24 hours. They initiated the Firefox-Download-Day 2008. You can pledge on their official website that you will download Firefox 3 on that special day. A really great idea and you also can see how many people in each country already promised to download Firefox 3 on the... 
Indiana Jones – Spie...
Indiana Jones – Spielbergs Sloppy Directing Was A Disappointment!
I was really exciting to see the new Indiana Jones movie, but it wasn’t near what I expected. It wasn’t really bad or crap -no! But in comparison to the other Indiana Jones movies it was surely the worst. It won’t be a movie I will remember for a long time and neither will it make any movie history. It was just an average... 
All Important Files Saved?...
Does it sound familiar? Your computer is so slow, cluttered with crap of files and spam ware or there is a critical error in your operating system, you can’t get rid off except reinstalling the whole machine? Or you just want to clean up your Computer, a fresh new start. But many times it happens that you forgot to backup important... 
Saying Goodbye Wasn’...
Saying Goodbye Wasn’t Easy!
It took me a while, but know I’m back working and writing, 3 weeks later than I was planing. Finally we settled down in Germany, got most of the stuff organized and my computer is running on full speed now with a nice Intel Core2 Quad, 8GB RAM and an additional new 1 Terabyte Hard drive. I think that should get me going. It’s... 
Busy Moving...
Busy Moving
Hey guys, just FYI, I’m really busy with our move to Europe But I think after May 5th I will write some more interesting, fun and helpful posts. See ya’ll in Germany Alex If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "635,";Popularity:... 
46 Firefox Plugins For Pow...
46 Firefox Plugins For Power User, Web Designer, Web Developer And SEO Experts
Now with the information which Add-ons are Firefox 3 compatible! Firefox is a mighty tool if you use the right add-ons for your purpose. Surprisingly many internet hardcore surfer don’t know about some really cool Plugins or they just don’t know the potential of it. So I thought I will list some of my favourite tools I’m... 
Our Goodbye Party With Fri...
Our Goodbye Party With Friends
Saturday was our Goodbye Party, lots of friends came by and had a last shot and beer with us. It was a fun night, as far as I can remember. I got some great pictures from Efrain, Elston, Jane and Jess. My pictures turned out very, very dark. You barely could see anything except black. I tried to rescue a little bit, so they look know like... 
A Surprise Trip To Las Veg...
A Surprise Trip To Las Vegas
Last Saturday I surprised my girlfriend Gretel with a weekend trip to Las Vegas. She has never been there, so before we go back to Europe, I thought I should take the opportunity as long we live in the States. She thought we are going to an event of my company and we would pick up a co-worker’s wife from the airport before we go. Richard,... 
Have Your Progams Handy On...
Did it happen to you? You are not at home or in your office and you need a specific file or information right now? Or you would like to burn a CD but there is no burning program on that specific computer? This is where comes handy. You can either search for hours on the internet to find the best portable programs to put... 
New Graphic Software Is Co...
This new software is just released to the public, it’s still in Beta though but it already has some features Adobe never dreamed of. If they deliver what they promise, that will be the new de facto graphic software! Below you can watch the introduction video of this mind blowing star on the design horizon! So what do you think? Will... 
How Fast Can You Write? Th...
How Fast Can You Write? The 10 Fast Fingers Speed Test
For the weekend I have discovered a Writing Speed Test for you. My result isn’t the best, but for a foreign language it’s not too bad I guess  Read More →

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