New Graphic Software Is Coming Up! It’s Blowing Adobe Photoshop Away!

This new software is just released to the public, it’s still in Beta though but it already has some features Adobe never dreamed of. If they deliver what they promise, that will be the new de facto graphic software!

Below you can watch the introduction video of this mind blowing star on the design horizon!

So what do you think? Will that be the new future of creating design?

Let me know!

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  1. avatar #1 - PT Says:

    I knew it had to be a comedy bit once I saw the “pipes” screen saver going on that guys computer. Good one.

    Sadly, I use Paint on most or all of my photo editing.

  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Hey PT,

    what you mean with comedy, it’s dead serious ;)

    BTW, there are much better free graphic software out there. Easy to use with basic functionality but much better than MS Paint. Maybe I will write a list of all I know in the near future.

  3. avatar #3 - Andy Says:

    I remember using paint when I was about 12 and thinking it was the best thing ever! Especially the spray paint tool, hour of fun :-) haha, very good video.

  4. avatar #4 - Syracuse Hotels Says:

    I think paint will really take over Photoshop soon. It’s all about that eraser baby

  5. avatar #5 - Alex Says:

    No doubt! And I think they will offer Paint a little bit cheaper than Photoshop. Tough time for Adobe.

  6. avatar #6 - Ronald Says:


    When I saw your headline, I literally said, “There’s no way an upstart can take on Photoshop. PSP tried and failed rather miserably.”

    So I was kind of led into the video.

    All this to say, “you got me!”

    Nice video.

  7. avatar #7 - Alex Says:

    Hehehe, but don’t you think Paint has a change to take over the reign?

  8. avatar #8 - Ronald Says:


    A resounding “no” :)

  9. avatar #9 - Alex Says:


    what’s wrong with you? Are you get paid by Adobe? Oh wait, I see, you are a Mac guy. You won’t give any MS products a chance. How judgmental are you?

  10. avatar #10 - Ptah Dunbar Says:

    Man, I was really looking forward to something BIG! loser lol Good video though. reminds me why I use Photoshop over MS Paint!

  11. avatar #11 - Alex Says:

    @Ptah, so you don’t think Paint is big either? Wait until they come out with the new version MS Paint Reloaded!

  12. avatar #12 - Rodrick Williams Says:

    You got me. I was waiting for the new technology part, it never came

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