In my series for Master Cleanser
- The Master Cleanser Or Lemonade Diet – Detoxify Your Body
- Master Cleanser – FAQ
I did it again! After just over one year I thought to myself, now once again you have to cleanse your body. Mother’s Kitchen was very spoiled and the little exercise, because of my busy job and of the few leisure activities, didn’t really support my health.
For 14 days, I only had lemon juice, water and a some tea. This time the lemon juice was not too bad. Was it perhaps the lemons where from Europe instead of America or was it rather to the fact that I all this time freshly prepared a glass instead of having a gallon lemon juice in a bottle for the next 2 days to drink? I think the latter.
How I felt during the 14 days Lemon juice diet?
Smashing! When I started again with the cleaning my girlfriend was afraid, because I would be in a bad mood, hungry and always tired. This wasn’t the case, I was fit, had at the beginning a slight headache and some dizziness, but only because I had drunken too little at the beginning. But I felt light. Was always very well satisfied and I needed only 4 hours sleep and the next morning could tear trees. Of course, this is not for everyone, some people are also very tired at the time, bad-tempered and have severe headaches. I think everybody takes it differently and it is also depends on the attitude that you bring.
How I feel after the lemon juice diet?
16 pounds lighter, my knee is better. Feeling fitter, much more appetite for movement. I’m filled up more quickly and thus the portions are smaller. Also, the appetite for healthy food is greater, sometimes I prefer a delicious salad to a juicy steak. It is certainly a good start to a healthy diet.
Before – After!
Here you can see a photo, before the 14 days seen (left) and after 14 days (right), I don’t see such a significant difference, but my girlfriend says she can see big differences. Anyway, I feel very comfortable again, and the jeans I’m wearing, I was able to take off my pants without opening the knob! : P
Whoever wants to, can send me his before and after photos with the subject “Master Cleanser Before After” to afrison(et) . Then I’ll make a small photo gallery. Would be funny, what do you think? And an additional motivation for all the others!
Master Cleanser – FAQ
When I reported on my blog last year about my positive experience, I would have never thought how popular this post would have been. Just under 30,000 readers and more than 390 comments on my German blog and nearly 10,000 readers and over 240 comments on my English blog, and every day there are more to count. Would be glad if all my other post would be so successful.
In the commentaries, which takes hours to read them all but motivates a lot, occurred a lot of interesting, unusual and especially repetitive questions. So I thought that I put all the important questions from both languages into a FAQ list. If questions are still remains, you can ask in the comment section, maybe it will be later in the FAQ list.
- What exactly is the lemon juice diet (Master Cleanser)?
The lemon juice diet helps the body to detoxify and clean your body. More details can be find here. - What do I need for the lemon diet?
All information can be found here. - Is there a coming off phase after the detox, I have to pay attention to?
Yes, the transition phase is also very important. All details can be found here. - Am I really not allowed to eat or drink anything besides lemon juice, tea, water, salt water?
No, nothing! Except a chew chewing gum without sugar. But do not swallow, there has been a question about it too. - How long do I have to do the lemon juice diet at least?
At least 3 days, so it is worth it. But 10 or 14 days are not needed. But remember, you must, after each diet, no matter how long it was, the 4 days of the transition period observed. - How long can I do the lemon juice diet?
At most 40 days, you should consult a doctor and check if everything else is OK to make this diet for such a long time. I think 2-3 weeks would be my maximum. - Lemon juice diet is the perfect way to lose weight?
No, it is to clean your body, a detoxification. The weight loss is a positive side effect. - Is the lemon juice diet a perfect start to change your diet?
Yes, absolutely, the craving after junk food is no longer so strong as before. The demand for lighter food after the diet is greater. - Is there a Jojo-Effect?
Any diet has a Jojo-Effect if you continue to eat the wrong food. But many people feel fresh and active after the diet, so they do more sport and exercise. Very important is the transition phase following the diet. If the diet is 7 or more days long, it makes the stomach smaller and you get filled up faster, so fewer calories.
Small tip, if you want to keep the weight you do not need to renounce all delicious things. There is the 20/80 rule. Eat mostly healthy (80%) but not permanently renounce on delicious, but also eat what you really like (20%). - As a vegetarian of many years, I have cravings for meat during the diet, is this normal?
Apparently so. At least several readers have reported this phenomenon, quite funny. - Which days are the worst?
The majority said day 1 and 3 are the worst. After 3 days, most of them felt much better, without any problems. - Are headaches and dizziness / circulatory problems normal?
Yes, some have it more, others less. Mostly it helps to drink more water and lemon juice or add more maple syrup to your lemon juice. Often, the dizziness and headaches are gone away after 3 days. If you have a real bad headache, you should put 2 teaspoons of maple syrup in a 0.2 liter pure water and drink it. If possible, don’t take any tablets. Very rarely some had to throw up, but that is normal, the body tries to get rid off all the garbage, and it choose the best way possible way. - How much lemon juice should I drink each day?
At least 2 liters (half a gallon) a day or more, there are no limits. - Where can I find the maple syrup?
Frequently asked questions, some will find it in good supermarkets, pharmacies, organic stores or CVS and Whole Foods. Otherwise online. - What grade of maple syrup should I buy?
The perfect grade is B possibly C, A is the purified one, but does not have all the ingredients in it anymore, since it was filtered. But if you have no other non-Grade A maple syrup there, then that will do too. - Can I take something else instead of maple syrup?
No, in all cases, no honey, but some have recommend beet syrup or molasses. Since I have no experience and neither any reader about this, it would be great if someone can let us know if it worked as an alternative for maple syrup. - Why do I need to actually drink laxative tea, if I don’t take any solid food?
So that your bowel activity remains and you get rid of the very last pieces of garbage in your body. - Where can I find laxative tea?
Actually, in any good supermarket, otherwise, at a pharmacy. - Are there alternatives to laxative tea?
Yes, some people drink sauerkraut juice, should also taste good, but I have not tried yet. Some also Glauber salt. - How often should I drink the tea?
It is recommended to drink laxative tea not more than 2 cups a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Those who do not tolerate it so well should only take it once a day, or drink the tea every few days. - Can I drink another tea in between?
Yes, but no fruit tea and no sugar, artificial sweetener or milk and you shouldn’t drink another tea too often. - Do I have to go to the bathroom the whole day when I use the laxative tea?
No, not really, but without the tea or salt water, you wouldn’t even go for days. So don’t worry, you can normally go to work and drink the tea without any worries. - Where can I find Cayenne pepper?
Cayenne pepper can be found actually in any grocery store in the spice rack. - How much Cayenne pepper should I add?
Really not too much! For a glass just a very small pinch. Often people add too much and it tastes spicy and gross. Try out how spicy you like it most. - Can I take normal pepper instead?
No, it should be Cayenne pepper. - Which water should I drink?
It doesn’t matter, normal water or sparkling water, you can drink both. - How often should I drink salt water?
I’ve always just drank it once a week, but I recommend to do it at the weekend, because it really makes you going to the bathroom. But it is not required to drink the salt water at all, the laxative tea can be enough. But the salt water leads to a proper cleaning. - Can I still exercise?
Yes, it worked for me and many others without problems. You should not exaggerate. It also stimulates the digestive system. - Can I drink the lemon juice pure without the maple syrup and pepper?
Sure, this is not a problem, if you like it in between. - Must be the orange juice freshly squeezed when I get off the diet?
Yes, in all cases, no normal orange juice from the supermarket, even if it is the most expensive, fresh orange juice with pulp. It must be a real fresh squeezed orange juice. - Can I use another juice instead of orange juice, when I get off the diet?
I think so, but it should also be freshly squeezed. - Do I have to use fresh vegetables for the vegetable soup, or can I use a soup from the can or package?
Again, really only fresh vegetables for the soup. - Is the diet also good for young teenagers?
My personal opinion? Since they can still exercise sports and definitely not too old for sport, it is the simplest and healthiest solution for them. - Also good for hair, nails and skin?
Apparently it was for me and many others. The skin was much more soft and clean. For some, they first had a rash or pimples, at the end their skin was totally pure and soft. Also, the nails and hair will look healthier again. - Good sleep and more energy?
Many reported a very good sleep and a lot of energy during the diet. I can only confirm! - Bad breath and body odor?
For some, it happens that during the time a bad breath and slight body odor occur, because the toxins are leaving your body. Some also have a strange coating on the tongue, but it all goes away when you finish the diet. - What can you do against cravings?
Immediately drink a glass of lemon juice. Or just point with your finger between upper lip and nose, should also help! - And if I cheated?
If you couldn’t resist a snack or accidentally drunk a cup of coffee, then you’re only cheating yourself. Even if it only had a small bite or a sip, it is primarily about cleansing your body. Even small quantities. So stay strong, for your own sake. But if it happened, then this is not a disaster and you can continue the detoxification, but the meaning and purpose of Master Cleanser are clearly missed. So stay strong and you will discover new inner strength and outer lightness! The new you! - Is there an alternative to Master Cleanser?
Yes, some people tried out Simply Slender, and apparently it worked for them. - Is there a book about Master Cleanser?
Yes, you can buy it at Amazon.
Furthermore, many reports a reduction of inflammation and pain in joints. Some gave up on smoking and drinking coffee.
You have another question, experience to tell, or simply an exchange of information to motivate others? Then just leave a comment, I would be glad to hear your experience!
Popularity: 13% [?]
Tags: detoxify, diet, laxative tea, lemon, maple syrup, master cleanser
May 14th, 2009 at 11:51 pm
Hats off to you. There is no way I am surviving for 14 days on lemon juice.
May 18th, 2009 at 10:18 am
Hey Michigan Web Marketing Specialist, thank you very much, but believe me, it’s easier than you think. Just try it out, everyone can do it!
June 15th, 2009 at 5:30 pm
I will start my MC tomorrow! I’ll keep you guys update everyday (that way would help me to stay on track) Wish me luck!
June 17th, 2009 at 10:58 am
What happens if you start taking the laxative tea half way through the cleanse? I have ordered some laxative tea from America but it’s not coming until like next week. Is that really bad? I plan to do this for 10-14 days.
June 17th, 2009 at 1:44 pm
@Dallas09, where is our update
Hope you doing good!
@Jenn, the laxative tea doesn’t have to come from America, you probably able to find some in a grocery store a pharmacy near you. If you don’t have one, use the salt water, same or even better results.
June 19th, 2009 at 2:25 pm
I’m not doing so good with my MC
I had stopped on the first day. Around 5pm on my first day, I tummy got hurt so bad, I could barely walk. I didn’t feel hungry or any other stuff. I suspected that was the acid from lemond. I have a weak stomach. I told my sister i’d do it again tomorrow (6/20). She’s the one have done this and talked me into MC.
July 14th, 2009 at 4:18 pm
Hiya im a 23yr old girl from liverpool uk, im starting this diet with my boyfriend tomorow and i cnt wait!!..i am goin to send a before pic to u so we can see the end results after ten days on this diet..hehe…xx
July 17th, 2009 at 9:30 am
Hey Chantelle, looking forward to get your pics, good luck!
September 4th, 2009 at 10:14 am
Today is my first on this diet,it has not been easy but i have made it.i am hoping to clean my body. Hope it works out.
November 1st, 2009 at 8:30 pm
Heyy, I was wondering. Can you chew gum on this diet? Or no? Because I tend to chew gum a lot. Please write backk (: congrats
November 13th, 2009 at 11:38 am
Hi All
Today is day 2 on the diet but im a bit worried cause iv been using a bottled 100% pure lemon juice instead of a freshly squeezes one. does anybody know if the diet will still work?
January 8th, 2010 at 5:46 pm
I read that you can use lime juice, too… Is it okay to switch back and forth for variety?
January 19th, 2010 at 2:23 pm
I am on day 10 and feel like I could keep going (although I was hungry last night). I was not mentally prepared for more, but feel like I could be MORE cleaned out. Maybe because I only did te salt wash once (could not handle it) Do you have any advice as to tell when you should keep going or come off of it?
April 20th, 2010 at 12:58 pm
I’ve done the MC several times over the years with great results using blackstrap molasses. I have blood sugar and yeast issues and after the first cleasne using maple syrup caused me some difficlty with yeast, I changed to blackstrap with wonderful success.
June 6th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
can i pre mix the lemonade and then drink it the next day?
June 6th, 2010 at 6:16 pm
Yes you can. Good luck!
July 7th, 2010 at 2:35 pm
i didnt get the cayenne pepper. is any problem without this plan is stating tomorrow
July 18th, 2010 at 12:06 am
I know it’s too late now for you priya, but just for reference, yes the cayenne pepper is necessary for the cleanse, this pepper is used with many medicinal purposes, it helps a lot in cleaning you out. Good luck to all future MC experiencers, and congrats to the previous successful MC-ers. I’m starting my master cleanse tomorrow morning
July 24th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
ok, i got the smooth move herb laxative tea, and its soooo gross. can we put anything in it, to add flavor? And do i have to drink it everyday i am on the diet?
August 9th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Do u need the maple syrup? If i cant get any what will it change? and whats the purpose of it besides keeping your blood sugar up?
October 15th, 2010 at 3:17 am
hi im kay an im 20 yrs old ive been reading about this diet/detox an have only heard good things im eager to start an hope to atleast go 10 days i cant wait to finally feel revitalized an refreshed an hopefully shed the pounds in the mean time currently weighing 150-155 an hoping to shed 10-15 pounds
January 12th, 2011 at 12:10 am
I started the MC. I began preparing a few days prior by eating less. I am on evening of day 2. I am finding it very difficult today because, I have chugged the Salt water flush two mornings in a row….with ZERO results. I used the proper sea salt. I have two cups of the senna tea during the evening. Since elimination is the key to this cleanse…I am getting discouraged. I am trying to keep motivated by reading sites such as yours…Great job btw.
February 16th, 2011 at 3:42 pm
when do you take the salt water rinse every day or at the end???
March 8th, 2011 at 10:27 pm
How do you get protein to your body, especially for working out?
March 16th, 2011 at 1:52 pm
I’m a 36 y/o hopeless stress eater.
) I’ve put a lot of bad foods into my body this past year so I decided to do the MC. It’s my first time.
I’m halfway through my first day and so far it isn’t too bad. I don’t feel like I’m starving to death. I checked out a book on the MC at my local library to help me understand what the process is. I’ll be interested to see if I can make it to day three.
@Daisy: You drink the salt water in the morning on your first day BEFORE you drink the lemonade. (2 teaspoons and 8 cups of water.)The book suggests to drink it warm to help it go down easier. Also, do NOT slam it. Take at least 10 minutes to drink it all. If you drink it too quickly it may cause you to vomit. And do NOT take the laxative if you are going to drink the salt water.
March 19th, 2011 at 8:44 pm
Its my first day! I’m doing this as I have gained 3kgs (which is equivalent to 6.5 pounds) in less then 3 weeks due to my stress eating!!! Hope all goes well, thanks for all the advice
March 29th, 2011 at 12:25 am
I did the mc this time last year with great results. I lost over 15 pounds, and had a lot of energy! I only did it 4 days last time, since I was losing too much weight. (Began at 119 and my ending weight was 102) this time I hope I will be just as successful! I will start tomorrow. Wish me luck! And I wish all of you success and luck during your cleanse!
July 13th, 2011 at 8:07 am
July 21st, 2011 at 4:34 pm
today is day 2 of the MC , and its going pretty well , i would like to say reading these comments and your post have definitly kept me going . . i want to stop , by then as i keep reading about how people are losing 10-15lbs , just excites me . Now i can’t wait for my results . .
well i’ll keep you posted
July 27th, 2011 at 6:04 pm
Do you use a sweetener in your laxative tea or do you drink it plain?
August 25th, 2011 at 1:21 pm
i will be starting my first day on monday..i will keep everyone posted day by day..hopefully i an get thru this and be able to help someone else along the way…
September 23rd, 2011 at 5:38 pm
doing 10 days to try it out being a rookie & I’m on day 5 and it’s been good!! i don’t use that much pepper bc like alex says it’s too spicy towards the end! i finally got it to my liking! haven’t tried the SWF yet, but may do it 2morrow… haven’t cheated on the MC, but gotta cook for the family (whose been out of town & came back 2night yikes!) so we’ll see how good my resistance is! good luck to all!!
day 1- 160lbs down 158lbs
day 2- 158lbs down 153lbs
day 3- 153lbs down 150lbs
day 4- 150lbs down 148lbs
September 26th, 2011 at 4:58 am
Hey Alex,
Love your site…very informational! I am on the MC and was doing alright for 3 days straight. On my 4th day at the urgings of my boyfriend, I caved in and ate something. I feel so guilty and bad as I really worked hard the first 3 days not to eat anything at all. I am a full time medical student and my days are long and stressful at times and yet I still managed to make it through those first tough days. Now I don’t know what to do yet….is all lost? I plan on continuing tomorrow as if on day 1 and going through for 10 days straight….no more cheating! I hope I haven’t lost all the benefits I gained…I do feel like I now know I can do it and I know what my triggers are and will try not to cave in to them again.
Your advice would be appreciated!
October 8th, 2011 at 6:54 pm
hey guys i am on my first day and i am tempted to cheat i’m not hungry but i just crave food… laxitives whats the best one?
October 8th, 2011 at 6:56 pm
wow gracie thats great… what did u use for ur laxitive
October 11th, 2011 at 9:58 pm
I was wondering for the laxative tea is green tea OK? If not what’s the BEST kind of tea to buy?
February 9th, 2015 at 1:42 pm
Hi, its my 6th day of lemon diet but i havn’t take any syrup no tea no salt water just 8 glasses of lemon water. Plz tell will it works or not plz plz
July 19th, 2015 at 3:03 pm
Hi Alex,
Regarding your question about molasses versus maple syrup, here are two links comparing the mineral content of the two:
I have done the cleanse a few times, for different lengths of time, and am currently doing my fourth day out of a five day cleanse. I feel so good that I might extend it though!
I’m using organic blackstrap molasses as they have a higher mineral content than grade B maple syrup.
For those that don’t like the taste of molasses in the lemon drink, I suggest drinking the molasses in a little bit of water, like you would a medicine, and then drink the lemon drink right after.
Good luck!
August 11th, 2015 at 1:59 pm
Hi guys,
I’m starting my cleanse tomorrow. I had tried once a few years back as i was desperate to lose a few kilo’s in a short time and failed. Now i have some health problems and really feel this detox will hell me. I will keep you posted….I’m also going to try this with Blackstrap Molasses instead of Maple syrup.
August 13th, 2015 at 11:53 am
My first day didnt go so well, the taste of the Blackstrap Molasses in my mix was terrible. I drove around town looking for Maple syrup b grade but didnt find any and just lost hope. I ended up having lunch with desert and dinner but vowed to restart today. I have no choice but to use the Blackstrap Molasses but i will drink it before separately as i did today. I have 4 hours before bed time and im still going strong. Although i havent been able to down that much Blackstrappe Molasses, is that a problem? Also i feel a lot fatter today!!!!
November 10th, 2015 at 4:32 pm
@Deedee I just started today too, and learned from an employee at Whole Foods last week that laws and requirements have changed, and Grade B Maple Syrup is now just Grade A Dark. No more grade b labels. There are three grade A syrups, light, amber, and dark, and a grade C which is typically commercial grade used in candies etc.
November 18th, 2015 at 4:27 am
im 25 from ghana and today is my 3 day on MC
im excited about the journey but i dont feel like taking anything now not even water… its feels like im going to throw up if i do. Ur FAQ has actually motivated me anyway.. thanks. But is what im feeling normal? and how can i break through?
January 5th, 2016 at 3:42 pm
Hi I just finished my second day and I’m actually feeling great more energized and not hungry at all just when I see or smell food otherwise I’m great. This will be my first time doing this diet so I’ve decided to just do it for 5days rest the weekend and continue the Monday would that be OK?
February 15th, 2016 at 12:25 am
Is anyone still doing MC.? I started it and ended up on day 4 because of dizziness and missing my office because of that.
Planning to start it again this weekend with an aim of losing 30 pounds.
July 18th, 2016 at 4:54 am
can i use cane sugar syrup as a replacement for Maple syrup?