Christmas In Germany...
After a loooong year I was back in Germany again, it was great to see my family and friends after such a long time. Even the time went really fast, I enjoyed the two weeks a lot. The first two days I was in Frankfurt and stayed at my old good buddy Bernd. We went to the Frankfurt... 

10th Year Reunion Party 2007 Part II...
After we were the last at the reunion party at school we went with our old teacher to Pillhuhn, a cool bar not far away from school. While playing Fussball we had couple Tequilas and some beers for our thirst. I also met an old mate from work after 5 years, what a surprise. Around... 

10th Year Reunion Party 2007 Part I...
On December 28th we had our 10th year reunion of my class. It was absolutely great to see all my old buddies since a long time. And almost everybody was there. Most of them didn’t really changed, except many of them have family now, crazy. We already start drinking beer on...