Funniest Sling Shot Videos...
Funniest Sling Shot Videos
Have you ever been in a Sling Shot? Crazy! I did it once and probably never again. Unfortunately we didn’t check out the video, but I’m sure it was hilarious. I didn’t scream or die like those people on these videos but it would have been cool to have it as a memory. It was hilarious watching the videos, there are tons... 
How To Upgrade To WordPres...
How To Upgrade To WordPress 2.6 In 5 Minutes
It is always a pain to upgrade WordPress to the latest version. Fortunately there are some great plugins to help you out big times! Before you start any upgrade don’t forget to backup, backup, backup! Save your files local and use the great plugin WP-DBManager by GaMerZ Check all your plugins you use, if it may have compatibility issues... 
Search For The Superblog 2...
Search For The Superblog 2008! You Just Found It!
Hehehe, just kiddin’! I thought I should participate for the best tech blog in Germany at Hitmeister. But for that I need your help. I know, everything is in German, but just click on this link and you can vote until 18.07.. Just select and press “vote”. That’s it. I probably should have placed my blog... 
Famous Photos In History I...
Famous Photos In History Imitated In Lego imitated famous pictures in Lego. Really cool, even with explanation where and when was the photo shot and a little bit history about the photos. Like this world famous photo of some workers at lunch. Taken by Charles C. Ebbets during construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932. Here is the original: More historic... 
Firefox 3 With Guinness Wo...
Firefox 3 With Guinness World Record, New Logo And Interesting New Add-ons
I’m a proud participant of the successful attempt to get the Guinness World Record of the most downloaded software within 24 hours. I even got a certificate. It’s in German though, but I guess you get the idea. I belong to over 8 million people who helped to make this world record happen. Until now I’m pretty happy with... 
Freaky Smart Mc DonaldR...
Freaky Smart Mc Donald’s Ad
Check out this clever ad of Mc Donald’s Commercial. Even the text “open at night” is reflecting in the glass. Looks like they don’t only eat Hamburger in their Ad Agency How do you like this ad? If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat... 
Turn a $5 Steak into a $50...
Turn a $5 Steak into a $50 Steak And How To Know A Steak Is Done!
Summer has arrived and 4th of July is coming soon. A great day to put some big steaks on your grill. I found out about a method to turn a $5 Steak into a $50 Steak á la Versace and it’s pretty easy! I tried it out several times already and it works out great. My guests were always amazed of my steaks and they thought I spent a fortune... 
Dutch National Team –...
Dutch National Team – Tired Warriors But Fun Commercial And Great Pictures!
Sorry for all American readers and everybody else who is not interested in soccer/football. But I thought I should show some cool pictures of some Dutch players as warriors. Surprisingly they got tired against Russia and lost the battle last Saturday. But even though they also have a great commercial of the Bavaria beer, you have to watch... 
New Technology In Clone St...
New Technology In Clone Stamp And Gradient Map Tool – Let Adobe Photoshop Look Old!
A student and a professor of Carnegie Mellon University created a little program, which creates impressive clone stamp and gradient map effects whereas Adobe Photoshop is far away from. Real-Time Gradient-Domain Painting is pretty cool, but watch yourself! If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona... 
Finally – Firefox 3 ...
Finally – Firefox 3 Is Out!
To be honest, it was a little bit lame, that they released the final version at 10:00 am Pacific Time and not much earlier, since everybody was waiting in Asia and Europe for the download, but at least it is out now. Get the new version and if you don’t know Firefox, then try it out and throw Internet Explorer out of the “Window”,... 
The Funniest And Best Comm...
The Funniest And Best Commercials Of Euro 2008
We are in the middle of Euro 2008 and we saw some cool games, here are some fun and cool comercials of the European Championship 2008. A really fun commercial from Greece: Fun German Coca Cola ad, especially the last scene: French commercial for the game France vs. Romania – it wasn’t a foul: Lehmann, the German goalkeeper.... 

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