Hey Ho! Thought I should bring up another German song, you probably won’t listen outside of Germany. The song was just released this week and probably a future no. 1 in Germany. The singer is Xavier Naidoo, beautiful voice and he already had several no. 1 hits and some of the most successful albums in Germany the last 11 years. The video and the dance might be a little bit cheesy but the song is brilliant. I hope you will like it.
You can also buy this song at Amazon.com. There is also some English singing part in this song, so you might understand something.
Here are the German and English lyrics:
German lyrics
Alles kann besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles soll besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles wird besser werden
Wir holen uns den Himmel auf Erden
Und keiner muss sein Leben mehr gefährden
Einer der kostbarsten Schätze auf Erden
Ich will raus aus dieser Scheiße hier
Doch ich weiß nicht,wie das gehen soll
Raus aus diesem scheiß Revier
Doch ich weiß nicht,wie das gehen soll
Man sperrt mich hier in diesen Bezirk
Weil ich den Rest der Welt nicht sehen soll
Ich werde aus diesem Knast heraus spazieren
Wenn ich weiß,wohin ich gehen soll
Alles kann besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles soll besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles wird besser werden
Wir holen uns den Himmel auf Erden
Und keiner muss sein Leben mehr gefährden
Einer der kostbarsten Schätze auf Erden
Auch wenn du jetzt bitterlich weinst
Bitte gib nicht auf
Auch wenn du grad das Leben verneinst
Bitte gib nicht auf
Auch wenn du dir verstorben scheinst
Bitte gib nicht auf
Auch wenn alles verdorben scheint
Gib nicht auf
Alles kann besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles soll besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles wird besser werden
Wir holen uns den Himmel auf Erden
Und keiner muss sein Leben mehr gefährden
Einer der kostbarsten Schätze auf Erden
I can see beyond the borders of here
And I know there’s more for me
I’m not afraid to face what they fear
If it means I can be free
Discourage me if you think you can
But I won’t stop till I’m out of here
Yeah,I just don’t give a damn
Not afraid to face what they fear
Alles kann besser werden…
And a quick translation:
Everything can be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
Everything should be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
Everything will be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
And nobody has to risk his life anymore
One of the most precious treasure on earth
I want to get out of this shit
But I do not know how
Out of this damn area
But I do not know how
I’m a prisoner in here in this district
Because they don’t want me to see the rest of the world
I will walk out of this jail
If I know where to go
Everything can be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
Everything should be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
Everything will be better
Let’s get heaven on earth
And nobody has to risk his life anymore
One of the most precious treasure on earth
Even if you are crying bitterly now
Please do not give up
Even if you denying life
Please do not give up
Even if you feel like dead
Please do not give up
Even if everything seems corrupted
Do not give up
Everything can be better…
I can see beyond the borders of here
And I know there’s more for me
I’m not afraid to face what they fear
If it means I can be free
Discourage me if you think you can
But I will not stop till I’m out of here
Yeah, I just do not give a damn
Not afraid to face what they fear
Everything can be better…
Popularity: 3% [?]
Tags: Alles kann besser werden, Xavier Naidoo
October 19th, 2009 at 9:48 pm
love it.
October 19th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
I buy two biers and we drink together!
October 19th, 2009 at 10:20 pm
Hey Estera, glad you like it, because of the beer, I’m in
November 18th, 2009 at 5:00 am
Thank you so much, I live in Germany and couldn’t figure out how to search for this artist. I love it! Thanks again!
November 18th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
Great translation, thank you so so much for that — I love this song from the first time I’ve heard it on radio but I do not know German to understand…
November 19th, 2009 at 8:20 am
@Raine, glad you found it and you like the song.
@Tatsiana, where did you hear the song on radio? I’m happy that the translation helped to understand the song.
November 19th, 2009 at 4:00 pm
February 17th, 2010 at 2:18 am
Hi ALex, thanks so much for sharing Xavier’s song with us. I discovered his music recently and I love it to death, still – I don’t find the English translation to many of his songs. Do you happen to have some the translations?
Thanks in advance fo your reply..
February 17th, 2010 at 6:23 am
Hi Val,
sorry, but I don’t. But it’s sure worth it to look them up. His lyrics are very deep and thoughtful! Glad you like him.
February 19th, 2010 at 9:55 am
Schönes Lied – Ich liebe disese Lied!
March 16th, 2010 at 11:20 am
I am a Bostonian who was in the Frankfurt and Aschaffenburg region of Germany in early November 2009. I heard Naidoo’s “Alles Kann Besser Werden” over and over for four days. I liked his voice and the music the first time I heard the song. When I later translated the words and asked my friends in Aschaffenburg about Naidoo, I came to appreciate the song’s lyrics and Naidoo himself even more. Naidoo blends Christian music with rap/hip/hop and popular music. Naidoo is a very unique international artist. I bought “Alless Kann Besse Werden” and love hearing it as a reminder of my great time in Germany last November.
March 16th, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Hey Jimmy, glad to hear that. You also should check out his older albums, some of them are even better than “Alles kann besser werden”.
May 5th, 2010 at 2:12 pm
Great translation!
I live this artist too (even though i live in Belgium and don’t understand that much).
Favorite video of Naidoo = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90ii_hvJoxo
February 1st, 2011 at 6:43 pm
Thanks for a far better (literal) translation of Alles Kann Besser Werden. I first heard this song in German Class here at West Point and it got stuck in my head. As, I’m still learning German, and enjoy being immersed in the culture, I looked the lyrics up and found an interpreted version of the lyrics… Less than ideal, in my opinion. But here are is the literal translation. Thanks!
February 3rd, 2011 at 3:40 am
Hey Ryan,
glad you liked the translation. It’s nice to hear that some people in the States like to learn German.