As everybody in America knows, Thanksgiving Sale on Black Friday is crazy! Crazy prices, crazy lines and crazy people. As every year, Best Buy is totally crowded on Black Friday and people staying in line many hours before they opening at 5 am.
This year, they had some pretty good deals for a laptop, desktop and some tv’s. Gretel and I thought we should go at 2 am, but forget about that. We passed Best Buy at 9:30 pm and there was a line of about 100 people already. So we decided to go in the line immediately. Looks like a romantic night under texan stars. :hug:
So we had to wait for 7 hours, yes 7 hours, before they opened their doors. Since there were no hope to get the laptop or desktop we were trying to get a 22″ LCD Flat Panel for $200 instead of $500. But what a bad luck, a guy just took the last Screen right in front of me. Damn!!! Staying in the line for almost nothing, at least we got a printer for $20 instead of $90, DVD Player for $30 instead $70 and a 2GB USB Stick and 2GB SD Card for $30.
But this stupid Flat Screen was sold out. :blueeye:
Later I called Best Buy and they said the screen is sold out in the whole DFW area, so my last chance was ebay.
Like I thought, hours later there were lots of this monitor on sale. Mostly for $350 to $400 and $30 to $50 additional shipping cost. Kiss my :ass: , that was too much. But I checked the auction once and a while and the price went down to $300 to $330 and $30 – $40 shipping.
Until I saw an auction on late Sunday, $250 and $35 shipping. So I bid on that one and got it in the last second for $275. And the best part is, that this guy was from Denton, 20 miles from me. I emailed him, if it’s possible to pick it up, so I can save the shipping cost. He agreed and I got my Monitor for just $50 more instead of $150 more for other bids on ebay. I think it’s still a pretty good deal for a $500 screen. So it was a happy ending Thanksgiving
Here you can see my lovely Screen:
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Tags: Best Buy, LCD Flatpanel, Thanksgiving Sale
November 30th, 2006 at 4:32 pm
hahah thats a funny story. Nice we should start a thread with all the members taking photos with thier monitors like you hahaha.
November 30th, 2006 at 5:51 pm
yeah, that would be a good idea. Who is the most proudest Monitor owner
June 28th, 2008 at 1:23 am
I found lots of intresting things here. Thanks!
June 28th, 2008 at 4:58 am
Good luck for the next Thanksgiving Sale, hope you will have success.