Blog Action Day! It’...
Today it’s Blog Action Day, where bloggers all around the world unite and try to get the attention of the readers to show how critical our environment is right now and what we can do to make it better. The fabulous movie “11th Hour” came out 2 month ago in the States with Leonardo Di Caprio about the problems of our environment... 
New Songs In My Personal M...
New Songs In My Personal Music Charts – Alex’s sHitparade
It’s been quite a while since I was presenting some new songs, so here it is back again, Alex’s sHitparade. Some of the songs might be older, but I still like to listen to them. Today I present the whole range, Pop, Rock, Country, Dance and Ballade. Hope there is for everybody something. If not, let me know what you like to... 
Rate The New Website Desig...
Today I’m asking the most important people of this website, the readers! How they like the website and what can be improved. Would be great if you answer some questions, but you don’t have to answer all. If you have anything else to suggest or criticize, please do in the comment form at the bottom. Any feedback, suggestions,... 
Free Burma!...
Today I support the action, like many other bloggers, to support a Free Burma! It’s not a lot what we can do, but at least can try to get some other people attention. What is going on right now in Burma is horrible, a regime who is killing their own people since decades and nobody cares. Of course, they don’t have oil. Please... 
Back Again! New Design and...
Hey! I’m back online! Finally! But not online the Design changed, also the future posts will be a little bit different. I won’t talking only about my daily life, I also will talk about things I’m doing at my job and how. Tips, Tricks and little tutorials of Photoshop, Web design, newest Tools and about WordPress. After... 
New Webdesign Around The C...
Hello fellows, The time is here, where I’m writing the last time on this website. No, don’t worry, it won’t be the last time for long, but on this website as it is now. I’m almost ready to go online with my new website, which you hopefully will like and is much faster than the current one. I just have to get rid off... 
Computer Technology Of The...
This is another pretty cool new technology of Microsoft. I would say, far more interesting for our work then Microsoft Surface. Forget about Pixelized pictures! [youtube P3uY-1IbSqM] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "424,";Popularity:... 
Firefighter Gets High...
That is so funny, working as a firefighter can be really fun [youtube RBjRDcGMCnM] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "422,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Britain Got Talent, Part I...
Britain Got Talent, Part II
And here is the second amazing singer, what would you expect Paul, the mobile phone salesman, is singing? Check it out: [youtube 1k08yxu57NA] Turn your speakers on If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "420,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Britain Got Talent, Part I...
Britain Got Talent, Part I
You have to watch that. I’m sure some American Idols can learn from that. Amazing young lady! [youtube En0A8KGMgq8] Turn your speakers on! If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "419,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Computer Technology Of The...
This is the one of the newest toy of Microsoft, the Microsoft Surface and it will see it in your favorite restaurant in the near future. You can order online and the order goes directly to the kitchen, you can also pay with it. No waitress it needed, only to bring the food. You can also you it to show photo albums and connect it to your... 

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