German Autobahn...
Imagine how the German Autobahn is? Here is an example of a driver with a motorcycle. The sky is the limit! and you also can see, how the dutch, like always, block the German Autobahn with their caravans. [youtube L6j5AmQMmS4 nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer.... 
I thought, it’s time to put something funny on the website again. Who didn’t have this experience, you faint suddenly and that can happen in the worst situation, but you are not alone, there are many more, who shares this experience with you [youtube L40slfdfe8o nolink] If... 
Love Boat...
Welcome to love boat, but be careful! [youtube 9igXKU4lMow nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "278,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
The Last Picture...
Here are some examples, what you can assume to be the last picture: The last picture.pps (697kb) Have fun Alex If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "249,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Table Tennis Of Champions...
Here you can see table tennis of Champions, a little bit better than we did at the corporate challenge. [youtube EdNnEwk6bz8 nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "262,";Popularity:... 
Why Dogs Hate Halloween!...
There are many people who don’t like Halloween, but they are not alone, some dogs hate Halloween too. Why? Just check out the presentation and you will know. Why dogs hate Halloween.pps (533kb) Have fun Alex If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for... 
German Engineering Meets Arabian Technol...
What happens when German Engineering meets Arabian Technology: [youtube 5d7Ms48DQX0 nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "238,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Live Can Be So Unfair...
Live should be fair, if not, you can see the consequences. Especially the end is great. :smile4: [youtube _cB554uZcFc nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "231,";Popularity:... 
Not Enough Space On A Plane...
Always the same problem, not enough space for your luggage: [youtube iA3TVOsqubI nolink] If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "228,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →
Exclusive From Germany: Bushpilot...
Truth about Bush: [youtube xhqKoqqS0XI nolink] German with English subtitle. Enjoy If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "169,";Popularity: 1% [?]  Read More →

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