About Me, Myself And I – About Page

About Alex
Everybody who had a chance to look at my “About” page saw that there is only a “More Info is coming very soon!” on the page, not really a lot information about me. ;)

Normally you can read all the information about the author or owner like: what great things he/she did in his/her life, what did he/she achieved, what kind of talents and interests he/she has and so on. Saw that 1000 times, right?

I thought I should approach another way. Why not asking the people who are knowing me the best. You, yeah you!

So everybody who has a phrase, word, which really hits the nail about Alex, let me know!

Something like a keyword, phrase, anecdote, a characteristic or whatever comes in your mind.

And please don’t tell me that I’m an idiot, jerk and so on. I know that already ;)

I think this is an interesting way to find out things about me, where even I didn’t know about it.

I hope there will be a lot participation and you will see the results soon on my “About” page :)

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  1. avatar #1 - Estera Says:

    If you need help Alex is always there- FOR FREE!

    Down to Earth, Honest, Calm but Wild.

    I love his motto which I implemented in my life: “If you don’t remember the issue in 15 years why to bother at all” – this considers conflicts with people- this is why we all love him so much. When we are jerks he forgives and forgets instantly.

  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Hey Estera, that was very nice, thank you very much! :)

    For everybody else – I swear I didn’t pay her for that ;)

  3. avatar #3 - Jane, Alex's boss Says:

    Alex has several unique facets to his personality. He is extremely focused and diligent in his work. He is a reliable friend who is very caring. He is a good teacher who is always willing to take the time to share his knowledge. Alex often comes up with very creative and innovative ideas, but is happy to flexible if the timing or other circumstances are not quite right for his ideas. And, once the work is done, he is one of the most social guys I know! Alex had way over 100 people at his birthday party last year, and it is easy to see why. Seems like he will always be a young thinking person, and so will remain ageless.

    I also think he is very smart to pick Gretl to hang out with much of his time. :)

  4. avatar #4 - Alex Says:

    Oh wow, thank you very much, I’m very humbled :)

    Just FYI, I didn’t threaten to fire her. She is MY boss and not the other way around. ;)

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