Is Yahoo! Search Cheating? Some Paid Links Not Labeled!

Yahoo! SearchDid you know that Yahoo! Search is placing paid links on their search result page without explicit labeling that those links are actually paid?

Normally you see paid links at the result page on their right side or on the top, labeled as “Sponsor Results”

The rest of the links are just natural links with probably valued content what you are searching for. Nope! Not all of them, if you take a closer look you also see most of the links with a the size and a link “128k – Cached

But some are missing the “Cached” link. These are also paid, but not noticeable by the user. I don’t know how you would call that, but that’s cheating in my opinion. Not very trust worthy Yahoo!

As Borat would say:”I like! …….NOT!”

One of my friends pointed it out. Since he was wondering why some start up competitors are ranking so high and he is in the business since years but drops a little bit, he contacted Yahoo! and they said, unofficially it’s possible to acquire unlabeled spots too. You can see them by the missing “Cached” link.

What are your thoughts? Is that cheating or clever way to make money?

Popularity: 1% [?]

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  1. avatar #1 - lanterns Says:

    I wondered why I was losing ground lately in Yahoo. This would explain alot. If others are able to buy their way in front of me in the search results, of course I am going to drop.

  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Hey Lanterns,

    I guess you also thinking that’s not fair. Wonder how much you have pay for it. To be in the listing.

  3. avatar #3 - lanterns Says:

    I am sure it is too much!

  4. avatar #4 - Alex Says:

    Unfortunately you might be right :(

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