What A Waste Of Paper

Waste of Paper 1Waste of Paper 2Waste of Paper 3Waste of Paper 4Waste of Paper 5Waste of Paper 6Some weeks ago I ordered a small, tiny adapter cable for my laptop hard drive. Two days later I got a big packet from Staples. My eyes got big and I was curious what could this be? Is it Christmas already, my birthday? Must be something big I didn’t know of.

When I opened the packet, my disappointment was huge. An enormous packet, where you can fit an elephant in, but there were just a stupid little adapter, smaller than my cell phone. Come’on people at Staples! What kind of crap is that? Aren’t you live in a green world. Where is your green easy button?

I’m not a tree hugger or ecological crusader but that is ridiculous!

What about you? Did you get those big packets with nothing in it? I would understand if the article is fragile and they put a lot stuff in it as a cushion, but for a cable?

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  1. avatar #1 - new zealand news Says:

    I work from my home and get packages all the time. This is sadly the norm! I almost feel guilty ordering things to be delivered, but at least I am not driving around town aimlessly all day to shop.

  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Thanks for your comment. I don’t understand those companies. It’s also more expensive. So where is the common sense?

    Because of the point, that you are not driving is not really valid. Since the mail man has to drive to your house. Until he is riding a bike, then it’s ok ;)

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