78 Hour Day – Or How...
78 Hour Day – Or How Many Hours Would You Need Every Day?
Do you know the saying which is mostly combined with a sigh? “A day should have 48 hours!” Heard many times and often wished for! It would be great if time went by slower and didn’t run down like water in a river. I could also call this post Alex7. That’s how often I would like to split up myself to do what I want... 
Stupidity Or Just Hilariou...
Stupidity Or Just Hilarious? I Think Both!
My friend Elston sent me yesterday this picture, I couldn’t stop laughing HILARIOUS! And the answer is so plain dry! If you liked this post or page, buy me a beer. Suggested: $2 for an ice cold Corona or $4 for a nice Erdinger wheat beer. Ahhhhhh!AKPC_IDS += "623,";Popularity: 32% [?]  Read More →
Woopra – Fascinating...
On Saturday John presented on WordCamp Dallas 2008 the new web analytic and tracking tool Woopra. It is really awesome, it was breath taking. Cali of geekbrief.tv got a chance to interview John at WordCamp Dallas 2008 and got an insight on this program. GBTV #337 | Introducing Woopra from Neal Campbell on Vimeo. You can see how many readers... 
Was WordCamp Dallas 2008 B...
No! Not at all! I had a blast this weekend. People fell asleep more because of partying the other night than the presentations. Or they fell asleep because the weekend was just exhausting, as you can see at the end of this post. I got to know so many nice and friendly people who sharing the same passion I have – Blogging! There... 
How To Upgrade To WordPres...
How To Upgrade To WordPress 2.5 In 5 Minutes
It is always a pain to upgrade WordPress to the latest version. Fortunately there are some great plugins to help you out big times! Before you start any upgrade don’t forget to backup, backup, backup! Save your files local and use the great plugin WP-DBManager by GaMerZ Then download and activate Wordpress Upgrade Preflight Check.... 
Graphicleftovers.com ̵...
There is a great new website online. Graphicleftovers.com Simple but genius! A haven where professional designers and illustrators sell or donate their unused, unsold or unfairly rejected pieces of art online. As a web or graphic designer you always have logos, layouts which never really got used by your clients or anybody else. All work... 
Photoshop Disaster Uncover...
Recently I found this website, where they uncover Photoshop Disaster in magazines, video cover or movie poster. Suddenly there is a third hand out of nowhere. A leg is missing or an actor has 3 elbows. Like in this example, where is this hand on Jessica Simpson’s shoulder coming from? On Photoshop Disaster you can find small or really... 
Going To WordCamp Dallas 2...
The coming weekend will be the WordCamp Dallas and famous blogger, supporter and developer of WordPress will attend their from all over the country. And one German amongst them It will be cool to see Matt Mullenweg, Lorelle VanFossen, Aaron Brazell and many more WordPress icons in person. Looking forward to have fun, get to know the newest... 
St. Patrick’s Day On...
St. Patrick’s Day On Greenville And The Stupid Police
On Saturday we went to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Greenville. It was great, fun and hot as you can see on the pictures I got sun burned. Except one time when the police blocked the whole road for no reason. Oh no, they had a reason. Too many people are having fun. What the…? However, we had fun until late night. Met some... 
Finally You Get To Know Me...
Finally You Get To Know Me!
It’s done, finally! My “About” page. A short overview about Alex and this website. What’s it about? Who is the author? And what for? Here’s the answer!. You can read a short summary with photos and milestones of my career. Additionally you can see a small portfolio of my most recent work. I’m happy... 
My Family From Germany In ...
My Family From Germany In Texas
My Ma and my brother with his little family visited our home the last 2 weeks. Before we move to Europe, end of April, my brother took the last chance to visit me here in the States. My Mom liked it so much, when she was here 4 year ago, that she traveled with them. Unfortunately my Dad couldn’t make it. Our visitors did quite... 

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