All my Newsletter Subscribers know of course, that I have a Newsletter function on my website, where they get an email on the next day, when I post something new on my website.
Last week I was chatting with my German friend Bernd and he had an idea….
Right now, I have 6 Subscribers to my English Newsletter, which is not a lot, comparing to the 320 Subscribers of my old Newsletter I did for 4 years. But it’s a good beginning :smile2:
Like I said, Bernd got me to the idea, I should try to have 30 Subscribers until my 30th birthday. That will be a difficult task, but with your help it might be successfull. So if you know someone I know or could be interested in my post, since some posts are funny or interesting, let them know, I’m glad to have more subscribers, but only if they are interested in my posts.
I’ll keep you posted if I reach the 30 or not.
Oh, by the way, I have 15 on my German Newsletter and I’ll try the same on there. :nerd:
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Tags: Newsletter Subscriber, RSS Feed, RSS Subscriber