This is really awesome, didn heard such a great cover since a long time, couldn’t stop laughing. A Ukraine Folk band covered the Kate Perry song Hot ‘N Cold as it’s best.
Popularity: 2% [?]
Tags: Hot 'N Cold, Kate Perry, Ukraine Folk BandThis is really awesome, didn heard such a great cover since a long time, couldn’t stop laughing. A Ukraine Folk band covered the Kate Perry song Hot ‘N Cold as it’s best.
Popularity: 2% [?]
Tags: Hot 'N Cold, Kate Perry, Ukraine Folk BandRSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URL
April 9th, 2009 at 3:16 pm
LOL this is so funny! Ukrainians rule! I bet they are really popular in their village dance club too! lol
April 10th, 2009 at 8:00 am
Hey Ruslan, I’m sure they are big stars in the whole Ukraine
April 26th, 2010 at 11:09 am
omg, I loveee this. So funny!