is a blog about… what the name says, about everything except a specific niche. I offer a great variety of articles from web and graphic design, new web tools, programs, Photoshop, creative ads, fun stuff, tutorials, product or program comparisons. Growing from a monthly visitor count of 907 in January, I now reach over 80,000 people worldwide a month, and it doesn’t stop growing.
Grow with this blog together and present your product, service or idea to a loyal and great reader community.
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I have two different spaces to offer:
125 x 125, Sidebar (2 Ads displayed at the same time): $20 / month
Discount: $35 / 2 months or $50 / 3 months.
16 x 16, Sidebar: $50 / year
Discount: $90 / 2 years or $130 / 3 years.
* I don’t accept Flash banners
* Animated GIFs will be examined and approved / rejected.
* No adult or Poker Ads please, have creative and intellectual ads
I hand-select the sites/products/services I review and cost $50. If you order a review you can be assured that it will be a professional and unbiased review (and rarely under 1000 words). I think it is very important to talk about the pros and also the cons, if you order a review, you can be sure it will be a throughout unbiased review, it is also recommended you provide us with a sample of your product or access to your program.
If you just want to say thank you for a great post you found on, I welcome any donation large or small. I really appreciate that. All you need to do is to buy me a beer below.
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Tags: Ad, Advertise, blog, Creative Ads, pixel ads