Christmas Party With Friends And Last We...
Right before Christmas we had a little Christmas Party with our friends in our apartment. It was quite international. I would say people from 9 different countries and 5 different continents were there. We had great fun. Ruslan and I try to do Schaschlik, a Russian traditional barbecue,... 

Interstate Batteries Christmas Party...
On Saturday we had our Christmas Party of Interstate Batteries at Gaylord Texan Resort. First we saw the ICE! Exhibit, it was pretty cool how they made all the ice sculptures, penguins and landscape. Everything was build with ice. After that we had a big buffet at the Riverwalk... 

Christmas Party Interstate Batteries...
Christmas has been quite a while, but I still had to put the pictures of our Christmas Party online. Sorry that it took me soooo long. We celebrated in a Hilton Hotel and the decoration of the Ballroom was very beautiful, suprisingly not in green . The Dinner was great and the...