WS-Slideshow, Free Flash Slideshow For Private Use

Jens Krause created a great Flash Slideshow for free! At least for private use, otherwise it’s only 15 Euro per license or 50 Euro for unlimited licenses. The flash gallery looks very much like the flash galleries of Dezinerfolio, and Flash Gallery

You can see a live demo of WS-Slideshow right here:

Slideshowpro is pretty professional and slideshowpro director is very good if you have quite a lot pictures. But it cost $29, where as WS-Slideshow has a lot of the same features.

Also DFGallery is awesome but the developing of this gallery slowed down since the two brothers of Dezinerfolio are very busy with some other stuff, I really hope they pick up this project again and finish it. Missing features are: no customization possible, you can not select which album has to be shown first if you have a range of albums in your gallery. Instead of DFGallery, WS-Slideshow supports these features.

Currently I’m using DFGallery since it’s for free and does it’s job, but would be nice to customize it more. Click here to see how it looks like on my website

Flash Gallery is for free too, but I don’t like the design so much and it has less functionality.

I think WS-Slideshow can be a great alternative to the other Flash Galleries. A big con though, it’s not supporting Picasa and Flickr pictures yet. I talked to Jens and he is planning to include these features hopefully soon. I’ll update you when this feature will be available because it is a make it or break it deal for many user if you cannot use your Flickr or Picasa account.

Everybody who has their photos on their own server should try out WS-Slideshow. Unfortunately I have my pictures on Picasa, so will stick to DFGallery for a while.

I hope you like the Flash galleries I present and I were able to help you with some information, what options are available, pros, cons and prices.

What is your experience with these flash galleries or do you know an even better one? Let me know and I might try it out.

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  1. avatar #1 - DeathMitten Says:

    I don’t understand – what’s the point of a Flash slideshow?

    Don’t Powerpoint and the OpenOffice equivalent have the niche snagged already?


  2. avatar #2 - Alex Says:

    Hey Deathmitten,

    PowerPoint and OO is more for offline presentation, on a flash slideshow you can immediately see the photos. You don’t have to open the file. And some people don’t have PowerPoint, where as Flash is easy to download. Also you have to put every picture into your PowerPoint Slideshow manually. Which can be very time consuming if you have a lot pictures to present. With some of the flash galleries, you can just write the path of the folder, which contents the photos, in the file and it grabs all pictures automatically. It’s really easy to create a slideshow.

    Hope that makes more sense now :)



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