2 Great Tips In Firefox Against Common Frustration!

You probably know this problem when you fill out a web form. You just entered a lot information in this form, it took you minutes to do so and after hitting the send button the website crashes. All entries gone!

Same happens when you try to leave a comment on a blog. You write a book long great comment and then nothing, just a blank page after you hit the send / submit button. If you go back, the comment field is empty. How frustrated is that?

That also happens quite often because of time out error.

lazarus recover formular firefox addon 2 Great Tips In Firefox Against Common Frustration!

Today I will show you a little Firefox Add-on, which will help to avoid those “shit happens” things. It’s called Lazarus: Form Recovery, and saves automatically your entries while you are typing. If the site or your computer crashes, just go back to the page and hit the right mouse button and click “recover form”. Everything will be there, how wonderful is that!

Bonus tip

formulareintraege loeschen 2 Great Tips In Firefox Against Common Frustration!

Another short tip is how to delete entries in the recommend list for a textfield.  Firefox saves all entered entries you did before in a form and listed them as recommendation if you fill out a form the next time. That can be very useful but also very annoying. Why? Because if you mistyped your name or any other entry quite often, those entries will be also in your list. Fortunately it’s very easy to delete those entries, just go with your mouse to the mistyped entry so it will be marked blue, press the “Delete” button and it is gone until you mistype something again. ;)

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  1. avatar #1 - Rachel Says:

    Really i am facing this problem while blogging ..I find a nice solution here and i would like to check it out once..

  2. avatar #2 - Naruto Says:

    I never faced such a problem but still it was informational for me and i will surely implement it whenever i face such kind of problem..

    Naruto Ninja

  3. avatar #3 - Matt Says:

    Thank you, this helps a lot

  4. avatar #4 - Oliver Says:

    Wow, thats great! I had this probs way too often. Installed Lazarus right away. Bonus tip is also a nice thing to know.


  5. avatar #5 - Alex Says:

    You’re welcome Oliver, hope that will help you alot. :)

  6. avatar #6 - Steve Harold Says:

    Thanks for the tip to the add on for Firefox. It will save a lot of aggravation

  7. avatar #7 - 411 WebConnect Canada Says:

    You solution works, thanks

  8. avatar #8 - Alex Says:

    @411, glad to hear that!
    (sorry for the late reply, but I was on vacation in South Africa)

  9. avatar #9 - Emerson Says:

    nice tips, i am also facing with same problem.your tips are too informative and easy to activate.i hope these tips can very helpful to anyone who are working with Firefox.

  10. avatar #10 - how to claim for whiplash Says:

    Wow that’s a great tool, its so frustrating when that happens. Firefox is my favourite browser.

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